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FC Hlučín - 1.FC Slovácko 0:1 (0:1)

27.05.2008, úterý, 10:00
sultes_velky.jpg Slovácko took a further significant, hopeful step in their optimistic quest to return to the top league when they succeeded in defeating Hlučín 1:0 after a fighting performance.

"Today it was the luckier team who won," admitted Jiří Dekař, Slovácko’s coach, in an interview. "The home players were all over us. It was obvious how they approached this match and from the beginning they were playing hard to keep us on the run." The superior strength of the home players was obvious, nevertheless, for most of the time also somewhat Platonic. The threats to Bolek’s sanctum were occurring mainly during set-piece plays, which were fired by the home players in countless volleys; however, the crosses from corners and the direct kicks were ending up in the safe hands of Bolek or on the heads of the defending backs, or, frequently behind the goal after an over-hit cross.

The guests were depending on a breakaway opportunity and they were only occasionally challenging the home team to confront them directly. However, their breaks were bold and Kerbr, when he was out on his own, took on Kosmál twice; however, in the confrontation between youth and experience it was always the experienced player who took the laurels.

In the 19th minute Kerbr, who was on this occasion involved in the inception of the move, sent his colleague Chmelíček forward on a solo raid against Kosmál. However, Kosmál outwitted even him; however, the ball bounced inside the penalty area, where Šultes rushed in to score an unchallenged goal.

The goal could have given the guests encouragement but the reverse was true. From that moment on Slovácko started to become nervous about the result and concentrated only on defence. "We agreed that we would play an attacking second half, but the home players would not let us into the game; they were outplaying us and they were more assertive in their deployment and combativeness - unluckily for them without any goal success," Dekař added.

Whereas the first half was effectively overwhelmed by fascinating activity and the football played by both teams had to be admired, the second half was rather disappointing in this respect. The guests were defending a weak victory and even their breaks led them nowhere, whereas the home players, on the contrary, were blasting away at Slovácko’s defence, who in turn allowed them little more than a few corner kicks.

FC Hlučín - 1.FC Slovácko 0:1 (0:1) Branky: 19. Šultes

Hlučín: Kosmál - Štýbar (60.Bogdaň), Žižka, Kovář(64.Vaculík), Galajda, Hanus, Prokeš, Barcal, Hornyak (77.Kopecký), Moravčík, Švrček

Slovácko: Bolek - Němčický, Ineman, Šimáček, Lysoněk, Šultes(29.Filipský), Perůtka, Stýskala, Racko (72.Reinberk), Chmelíček, Kerbr (90.Matůš)
Jméno Heslo
 Další články:
30.05.2008, pátek, 11:30 - Zájezd do Fulneku vyprodán! Další objednávky již nebereme...
28.05.2008, středa, 15:45 - Jurkemik zatím na lavičku Slovácka neusedne
27.05.2008, úterý, 19:28 - TVS: Rozhovory v Hlučíně
27.05.2008, úterý, 14:35 - Střelec Slovácka Šultes chválí nového kouče
27.05.2008, úterý, 10:00 - FC Hlučín - 1.FC Slovácko 0:1 (0:1)
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