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FC Slovácko - FC Hradec Králové 1:1

13.05.2008, úterý, 16:55
clanek_znak_hradec_velky.gif Slovácko, in the big event of the round, drew their game with Hradec Králové 1:1. Slovácko started the match energetically and created several opportunities. Pavel Šultes followed through in the 30th minute and put Slovácko into the lead. The home team were also creating other chances but they were not able to take advantage of them and in the second half an equaliser came from the boot of Černý.

Physically demanding football was on display virtually throughout the entire first half of the game. After half an hour it seemed that Hradec were taking a deep breath to run but their effort came to a standstill with the goal. Šultes exchanged places with Gonda, shooting from the left and Podhajský was unable to respond to a deflected ball. "I was aiming to the far post but due to the change of direction it landed on the near side. Lucky goal," as Pavel Šultes described it. The home players had other viable opportunities but Matůš, taking his chance, aimed too high and Fischer, during one breakaway, trying to send his team-mate forward, passed the ball directly into the arms of Podhajský.

The second half was unfolding in a similar manner to the first. Activity was slowing down as the minutes ticked away; in addition, on the home side, fatigue was combined with injuries; for example in the case of Fischer, Šultes and Matůš, who had to be substituted and there was not so much possibility for subtle feinting. "Šultes, who injured himself today before the match had to be sidelined. Matůš was in similar condition, he has a bad muscle and the same with Fischer, whose back muscle was really tightening up, so unfortunately, there was no other way out," coach Kalvoda grumbled.

In a moment, when Slovácko seemed to have the game under control and were attacking, their rivals struck. The Slovácko players did not manage to cover Černý, leaving him room to shoot and the visiting forward aimed a ground-shot precisely to the post and the draw was achieved. "The mistakes had already taken place at our substitutes’ bench, where we were outplayed in terms of our team combination and our defence was not tight. In such situations there has to be a tight approach or a tactical interception," said the home coach, seeking to explain the given-away goal.

Goals: 30. Šultes - 60. Černý

Slovácko: Bolek - Němčický, Šimáček, Ineman, Lysoněk - Šultes (63. Racko), Fischer (77. Stýskala), Görner, Gonda - Matůš(72. Chmelíček), Činčala

Hradec Králové: Podhajský - Čupr, Chleboun, Wozniak, Pospíšil (66. Přibyl), Němeček(32. Dian), Vít, Černý (85. Vodehnal), Dvořák, Plašil, Rezek
Jméno Heslo
 Další články:
14.05.2008, středa, 17:28 - Jazyková mutace webu spuštěna!
13.05.2008, úterý, 19:04 - TVS: Rozhovory po zápase proti Hradci
13.05.2008, úterý, 16:54 - FC Slovácko - FC Hradec Králové 1:1
13.05.2008, úterý, 16:41 - Hodnocení hráčů proti Hradci
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