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FC Slovácko - FC Vysočina Jihlava 2:2 (1:2)

28.04.2008, pondělí, 21:31
cincala_velky.jpg The Slovácko fans had to suffer yet again – a third draw at their home ground. Their team played in Saturday’s match in the 23rd round of the league, drawing 2:2 against Jihlava.

Slovácko bit into their rivals from the very beginning of the game and after two corner kicks already came close to an opening goal. Šimáček headed in the goal-area; his attempt also glanced off Šultes, but goalkeeper Šimon was the first player in the match to impress.

Jihlava were relying on making a break. Once they almost got through in the ninths minute. After a hesitation by Ineman, Veselý centered dangerously on to Faldyna, who was running on.

Three minutes later goalkeeper Bolek kicked the ball out so unluckily that he hit Faldyna and the ball rebounded off him for an own-goal.

The equaliser came after a penalty kick, resulting from a handball played by one of the Jihlava players. Činčala set up the ball and with a shot past the goalkeeper‘s right hand equalised to 1:1.

In the 30th minute Šultes was scampering down the left wing and made a dash from that angle towards goal. However, he missed the right moment for his shot and the ball only hit the goalkeeper.

In the 42nd minute the un-marked Jihlava Captain Kadlec easily intercepted a corner kick and with a header inside the right post made it 2:1 for the visitors.

Nervousness of an unfavourable result became more and more visible in the home team’s performance. Though, Slovácko were pushing their rivals hard, the home team’s chances were missing, far wide of the mark.

In the 61st minute a gift from God came. During a courageous break Gonda missed his right moment for a shot, but by good fortune the ball came back to him from one of the defenders. Then Gonda made no mistake and with a shot along the ground equalised to 2:2.

Slovácko then set about chasing after a winning goal. Matůš had his chance in the 75th minute. After a subtle pass from Fischer he made a long solo run and was faced only by the goalkeeper, but his finishing shot failed, the ball hitting the approaching Šimon.

„The first half just did not work out right, that accidental goal brought us to our knees. But then we climbed up again, equalised and we would have deserved to win in the second half,“ Kalvoda concludes.

Slovácko - Jihlava 2:2 (1:2) Goals: 17. Činčala (pen.), 61. Gonda - 12. Faldyna, 43. Kadlec. Ref: Damková - Štěrba, Santarius. booked: Šultes, Grim - Da Silva, Sláma. att: 4125. Slovácko: Bolek - Němčický, Ineman, Šimáček, Lysoněk - Čtvrtníček (46. Matůš), Fischer, Grim (36. Görner), Gonda - Šultes (90. Eismann), Činčala. Manager: Kalvoda. Jihlava: Šimon - Sláma, Tlustý, Kadlec, Cihlář - Veselý (70. Da Silva), Gába, Schneider, Vepřek - Vácha (62. Rabušic), Faldyna (79. Böhm). Trenér: Marko.
Jméno Heslo
 Další články:
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29.04.2008, úterý, 19:56 - Report očima fanouška
28.04.2008, pondělí, 21:31 - FC Slovácko - FC Vysočina Jihlava 2:2 (1:2)
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