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FC Slovácko - HFK Olomouc 0:0

15.04.2008, úterý, 08:30
clanek_znak_hfkolomouc_velky.gif Slovácko filed out onto the pitch with the inspiration that winning would move the team back to the top of the table. However, the opening minutes belonged rather to the guests who were actively attacking.

"I think that we did not at all get to grips at the beginning. Obviously, the players were nervous, which arose from the fact that they wanted to win at all costs," Kalvoda acknowledged.

Olomouc’s efforts were sustained for about ten minutes, however, their period of activity brought them up short in front of the penalty area.

After ten minutes, with the continuous encouragement of more than four-and-a-half thousand spectators, the home-team also finally woke up and the best chance of the 1st half appeared. Stýskala sent Racek forward and he played the ball towards the far post where he found the approaching Matůš. However, Slovácko’s forward only succeeded in hitting the cross-bar of Doležal's goal.

Slovácko also continued to stay in possession of the ball during the following minutes, however, plenty of efforts ended in the moment that the linesman raised his flag.

After half-time Slovácko had another opportunity to take the lead. This came from a combination-play which finished up in the penalty area but in the end nobody from the home-team was there to take the shot at goal.

The second half unfolded according to a similar scenario as the first. Slovácko were pressing the guests in the penalty area with greater frequency.

"More often than not we got careless and now and then we played as if we were hardly present," Kalvoda added. However, several times they did get serious chances. Stýskala himself had about three opportunities but not once was the home half-back able to achieve success.

The guests, apart from Jakubovič's shot, were not able to threaten Bolek's goal.

During the second half Šultes was able to create a diversion amongst the home-team. After an excellent unblocking move in the penalty area his shot towards the near post was kicked away by Doležal, and a while later another of his shots went wide of the goal.

Doležal consecutively disposed of shots from Gonda and Činčala and then was rescued by the cross-bar from a shot of Fischer's. When even Činčala's late header failed to go in, the match finished in a 0:0 draw.

Slovácko: Bolek - Němčický, Ineman, Šimáček, Eismann, Gonda, Stýskala(72. Činčala), Görner, Racko, Šultes(79. Šturma), Matůš (63. Fischer)

HFK: Doležal - Dadák, Zlatohlavý, Lukášek, Lošťák - Krutý, Toporčák(46.Janeček), Jakubovič, Škuta(45. Spáčil) - Vodák, Kropáček(88. Korčian)
Jméno Heslo
 Další články:
17.04.2008, čtvrtek, 14:50 - Na kus řeči s Pavlem Šultesem
16.04.2008, středa, 15:45 - Návrat do minulosti: 1.FC SYNOT - Bohemians 3:1 (1:0)
15.04.2008, úterý, 19:59 - Report z domácího zápasu s HFK Olomouc + video
15.04.2008, úterý, 08:30 - FC Slovácko - HFK Olomouc 0:0
14.04.2008, pondělí, 21:55 - TVS: Rozhovory po zápase proti HFK
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