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Fulnek - FC Slovácko 3:2 (2:2)

04.06.2008, středa, 06:50
clanek_znak_slovacko_velky.gif Slovácko showed, in today’s key match in Fulnek, how a fight for progress should not be carried out when with a rather poor result they surrendered to Fulnek 2:3.

Fulnek led the dance from the very opening minutes. The first warning came in the 9th minute when Bolek had to demonstrate brave intervention against Koštuřík’s shot and a minute later Malohlava was shooting over the bar. However, the visiting team did not pay attention and the “Open Door Policy” of their defence provided the opportunity for the first goal. Lukaštík came through the centre-field and passed to Koštuřík, who chipped the ball over the head of an unsure challenging Bolek.

In the 22nd minute Bolek produced another unconvincing effort. He failed to secure Lukaštík’s long-range shot in the grip of his gloves, leaving Koštuřík to take possession of the dropped ball and increase the lead to 2:0.

The home team seemed to relax somewhat and after some confusion in defence Chmelíček swung the ball down to Perůtka, which by landing directly by the goal post permitted him to raise the hopes of Slovácko. Five minute before the end of the first half Slovácko even succeeded in equalising when Filipský, receiving a cross from the right side, virtually pushed the ball home over the goal line.

Several hundred Slovácko fans were hoping that the half-time break would encourage their heroes and that Slovácko would manage to transform the drawing result to their own advantage. Indeed, this could have happened, if there had not been a crossbar standing in the path of Kerbr’s shot from the edge of the penalty area.

The second half was in fact looking favourable for Slovácko because the home players were concentrating more on defence and were only occasionally undertaking fast and dangerous breaks. Even so, Slovácko found more chances as when Matůš received a through ball and his shot ricocheted off one of the home players into the corner. Gonda then appeared in the penalty area but he slipped before making his shot.

And when thunder did not strike on the side of the guests, the retribution came. A back pass got tangled up between Ineman’s legs, the advancing Koštuřík stole his ball and gave no chance to Bolek, who surrendered for the third time.

Slovácko at least tried to equalise but even the arrival of Šultes did not bring the needed goal and Slovácko probably removed themselves from contention for reaching the highest league.

Fotbal Fulnek - 1. FC Slovácko 3:2 (2:2)

Fulnek:Pospěch - Staš (56. Smutný), Kaprálik, Král, Sedlák - Vyskočil, Lukaštík, Slončík (90.+1. Bill), Vajda - Koštuřík, Malohlava (84. Halaška).

Slovácko: Bolek - Němčický, Šimáček, Ineman, Lysoněk - Gonda, Perůtka, Stýskala (77. Šultes), Filipský - Chmelíček (69. Činčala), Kerbr (53. Matůš).
Jméno Heslo
 Další články:
05.06.2008, čtvrtek, 19:30 - Vše nám hrálo do karet, postup ale slaví Příbram
05.06.2008, čtvrtek, 07:40 - Články v dnešních novinách před zápasem Slovácka s Příbramí
04.06.2008, středa, 18:20 - Boj o naději: Slovácko - Příbram
04.06.2008, středa, 06:52 - Fulnek - FC Slovácko 3:2 (2:2)
02.06.2008, pondělí, 20:57 - Ženy porazily Teplice 4:0 AKTUALIZOVÁNO
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