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SFC Opava - 1.FC Slovácko 1:1

05.08.2008, úterý, 08:59

The Slovácko football team started their new season in the Second Division with a valuable 1:1 draw in Opava. New coach Ladislav Jurkemik’s charges came through with a very satisfactory performance and were reaching towards victory: in the 27th minute Chmelíček put Slovácko into the lead but in the end Opava managed to scrape through with a lucky equaliser in overtime.

Slovácko started the match with class and in the opening minutes created two outstanding opportunities. First Kubáň challenged Gonda for an attempt at goal but face-to-face with goalkeeper Novák he missed his chance. Just a few seconds later, Chmelíček was also making a run towards Novák, but in trying to switch the ball he lost it.

During these first few minutes, Opava were trying to get into their stride but their players didn’t come even close to making any attempt at goal.

Slovácko took a breather after this opening onslaught but managed to take advantage of the very next mistake by the Opava defence. In the 27th minute Gonda made a strong, driving run down the centre, on the edge of the penalty area passing the ball adroitly to Chmelíček, who, this time, prevailed against the goalkeeper.

Slovácko goalkeeper Filipko, meanwhile, was also kept busy demonstrating his skill, as he dealt with one challenging situation after another. In the 33rd minute, he was also rescued by the crossbar, when Mezlík attempted to score by kicking the ball over his head.

After half-time, the beginning of the second half seemed also to be developing in the same manner. Opava were threatening dangerously, mainly from cross-balls from the wings, which mainly found the sure hands of goalkeeper Filipko.

Slovácko were carefully defending, whilst waiting patiently for their opportunity. This finally came in the 71st minute when Berger passed the ball behind the defence to Kerbr, who, making a lone run towards the goalkeeper, tried to blaze the ball past him, but Novák, with amazing luck, managed to get a hand to the ball and to put it out of play for a corner.

In the 85th minute, Kerbr won the ball and passed it into the penalty area, where Cigánek very clearly handled the ball. However the referee, Kocourek, did not call for a penalty kick.

One minute later Matůš found an opening and, swooping breathlessly down the right wing, he passed the ball in front of the goal to the approaching Kerbr, who, however, from four metres out, only hit the cross-bar of a completely empty goal!

Opava, in the very closing moments, succeeded in equalising. After a side-step in the penalty area Cigánek shot. However Filipko managed to kick his shot out for a corner, but from the kick-in Halaška dashed in front of the goal to score for a final 1:1 drawn game.

Goals: 27. Chmelíček - 90. Halaška

Opava: Novák - Kiša, Mezlík, Cigánek, Víšek - Partyš, Barteska, Wirth (73. Horka), Jelínek (68. Půda) - Šultes (90. Neubert), Halaška.

Slovácko: Filipko - Nemčický (80. Reinberk), Ineman, Šimáček, Formánek - Gonda, Berger, Randa, Kubáň (46. Stýskala) - Chmelíček (54. Kerbr), Matůš.

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