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Slovácko after their lost match in Ústí nad Labem said good-bye to Leoš Kalvoda.

20.05.2008, úterý, 14:30
acko_kolo_velky.jpg Slovácko after their lost match in Ústí nad Labem said good-bye to Leoš Kalvoda. His present assistant Jaroslav Horák is also leaving the team.

Leoš Kalvoda came to Slovácko during the winter break, after the withdrawal of Pavel Malura. Unfortunately, he did not manage to follow up on the autumn results with the team, so four rounds before the end of competition the management of the team decided on making a further change.

Saturday morning training was led by the coach of the reserve team, Jan Palinek.

At Wednesday’s match with Vítkovice the current coach of the Juniors, Jiří Dekař should sit on the bench as main coach. However, the management of 1.FC Slovácko does not rule out the possibility that by the end of the season the name of the new coach could be known.

”At this moment Jiří Dekař takes care of the team, and will coach it during Wednesday’s match with Vítkovice,” Marcela Mrázková, the general manager of the club, revealed.

Jiří Dekař is a long-term coach of the Football Academy and many talented players have passed through his hands. During the coming hours he should be choosing his assistant. Most likely it should be Jan Palinek, the coach of the reserve team.

Despite some poor results the team can still think about a return amongst the elite - nevertheless, the unconditional mastering of Wednesday’s match with Vítkovice is the key to success, and then it is important to succeed in a direct confrontation in Fulnek and in the last round at home with Příbram.
Jméno Heslo
 Další články:
21.05.2008, středa, 10:08 - MF DNES: Nový trenér Slovácka mění sestavu
21.05.2008, středa, 10:06 - Slovácký deník: Zamete nové koště s Vítkovicemi?
21.05.2008, středa, 09:15 - Hráči byli na exkurzi v železárnách...
20.05.2008, úterý, 14:30 - Der 1.FC Slovácko verabschiedete sich nach der verlorenen Begegnung in Ústí nad Labem vom Trainer Leoš Kalvoda
20.05.2008, úterý, 14:20 - FK Ústí nad Labem - FC Slovácko 1:0
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