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FK Dukla Praha - 1.FC Slovácko 1:2

07.05.2008, středa, 09:30
sultes_velky.jpg Pavel Šultes’s powerful shot during overtime earned a victory for Slovácko’s footballers in their match in the 24th round of the second league at the Dukla Praha ground. Slovácko had already taken the lead already in the 3rd minute, when Matůš, after a mistake by the home-team’s defence, promptly asserted himself. In the first half the guests had clearly an edge over the home team, but they weren’t able to create safety for themselves by adding a second goal. On the contrary, after changing ends, Dukla became energised and were able to equalise in the 64th minute, with Hanus scoring with his head from a set-piece situation. However, Slovácko, the favourites, did not give up and their effort bore fruit at the very end.

Slovácko started the match well. The home-team player Mikula’s misdirected drop-kick in the third minute “found” Matůš behind the defence, who scored close to the goal-post. In the 11th minute Matůš’s shot from 20 metres out just missed the goal. After a corner-kick Lysoněk also sent a header close. Then Nečas was throwing out around Ineman, whose hand touched the ball but, fortunately for Slovácko, the whistle stayed silent.

After the break Šultes had an opportunity from a cross by Matůš’s, but his header was just wide. Then the home players started to be more challenging. In the 54th minute Svatonský ran to pick up a through-pass, but he did not manage to kick the ball over goalkeeper Bolek, who swept the shot away towards the corner. The home players did not equalise till Hanus, from Michal’s corner kick, scored with a header to the far post. Slovácko could have already had the decider in the 87th minute, but Miščík twice caught Görner’s sharp shots.

So it was that the game reached its deciding climax right at the very end. In the third minute of overtime Racko made a break down the right side, crossed the ball and Šultes decider came from his head right on the goal line.

“We definitely had played some better matches; at home to HFK, against Jihlava and even in Čáslav. Unfortunately, we had never followed through for the whole game. We had plenty of excellent chances, but we had not had the necessary good fortune till today! I am happy, that we succeeded,” Leoš Kalvoda, Slovácko coach, concluded about the match.

Slovácko fans finally experienced victory in an away match. The last time that Slovácko were 100% successful was on the 21st October of last year, when they won 3:2 in Vítkovice.

Goals: 64. Hanus - 3. Matůš, 90.+3 Šultes.
booked: Rychlík, Svatonský, Hubka, Mikula - Matůš. att: 410.

Dukla: Miščík - Mikula, Kuděla, Hubka, Rychlík - Michal, Ludačka, Adam (59. Kulvajt), Hanus (83. Kunc) - Svatonský, Nečas (70. Malý). manager: Bittengel.

Slovácko: Bolek - Němčický, Šimáček, Ineman, Lysoněk - Görner, Fischer, Gonda - Šultes (90.+3 Stýskala), Matůš (85. Eismann), Činčala (66. Racko). manager: Kalvoda.
Jméno Heslo
 Další články:
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08.05.2008, čtvrtek, 13:44 - Slovácká férovka - tentokrát klidná
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07.05.2008, středa, 09:30 - FK Dukla Praha - 1.FC Slovácko 1:2
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