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FK Ústí nad Labem - FC Slovácko 1:0

20.05.2008, úterý, 14:20
clanek_znak_slovacko_velky.gif The football players of Ústí nad Labem in the 26th round of the second league beat the third team in the table, Slovácko, who, in this manner, in the north of Bohemia, unexpectedly lost important points in the battle to advance to the premier league. In the 65th minute Mahmutovič engineered a narrow victory for the home team and Ústí, due to gaining three points, reversed their descending direction. On the other hand, the dreamed-of path to advancement becomes, in this manner, more complicated for Slovácko.

After a timid first ten minutes a shot from the home team was aimed just wide of Bolek’s goal. Six minutes later, referee Damková blew for an indirect free-kick in the home team’s penalty area, which the Moravians failed to make use of, and in the consequence of a fast counter-attack Mahmutovič hit the approaching goalkeeper Bolek.

In the 25th minute the Ústí goalpost resounded from Chmelíček’s rebound. Thirteen minutes before the end of the first half Mahmutovič did not take advantage of a fast break by the Ústí players and three minutes later Fousek missed a clear chance. The end of the first half belonged to the guests.

On the other hand the home players started better after the break but in the 56th minute Ústí goalkeeper Novák disposed of a shot at goal by Gonda from seven metres. Nine minutes later the North Bohemians scored the crucial goal. Slovácko’s defence did not drop-kick the ball assertively enough, which was picked up by Mahmutovič whose rocket shot from 18 metres travelled along the ground inside the post of Bolek’s goal.

15 minutes before the end a shot from the home-team player Fousek was aimed just centimetres past the goalpost. Towards the end Slovácko draw a deep breath for inspiration but in 85th minute Racko kick the ball out from the empty goal of the guests. Slovácko in the end did not manage to equalize and the Ústí players rejoiced at gaining three points.

"We exceeded our rivals in aggression and although they had chances, our victory is deserved," home coach, Svatopluk Habanec, declared. "Ústí unlike us scored, and that decided it. We will not give up our battle for promotion - there are still four rounds till the end of the competition," his Slovácko counterpart, Leoš Kalvoda, stated.

Ústí nad Labem - 1. FC Slovácko 1:0 (0:0)

Goals: 65. Mahmutovič

Ústí nad Labem: R. Novák - Dvořák, Džuban, T. Novák, Hanzlík - Mašanský (63. Martykán), Karlík, Valenta, Benčík - Fousek (90.+2 Pimpara), Mahmutovič (90.+4 Procházka).

Slovácko: Bolek - Němčický, Šimáček, Ineman, Lysoněk (67. Činčala) - Šultes, Fischer (76. Stýskala), Görner, Gonda - Matůš (60. Racko), Chmelíček.
Jméno Heslo
 Další články:
21.05.2008, středa, 10:06 - Slovácký deník: Zamete nové koště s Vítkovicemi?
21.05.2008, středa, 09:15 - Hráči byli na exkurzi v železárnách...
20.05.2008, úterý, 14:30 - Slovácko after their lost match in Ústí nad Labem said good-bye to Leoš Kalvoda.
20.05.2008, úterý, 14:30 - Der 1.FC Slovácko verabschiedete sich nach der verlorenen Begegnung in Ústí nad Labem vom Trainer Leoš Kalvoda
20.05.2008, úterý, 14:20 - FK Ústí nad Labem - FC Slovácko 1:0
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