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Slovácko’s captain is upset: We do not score enough

15.05.2008, čtvrtek, 10:00
kapitan_dekuje_velky.jpg During this spring they have won only two out of their ten matches. Nevertheless, they still feel the opportunity to make progress. Second league Slovácko’s footballers are feeling themselves tantalised during this season but they still have, regardless of much wavering, a real chance to gain a position of progress in an evenly balanced competition.

"It is unbelievable but we are still surviving," team-captain Pavel Němčický affirms, shaking his head in apparent surprise.

Slovácko are in third place in the table, just two points behind second-placed Opava and there are just five rounds left to play before the end of the competition.

Each of them will be crucial in every respect. "Any loss of points would cost us dearly," Němčický predicts.

In their home match against Hradec Králové Slovácko demonstrated themselves in a familiar light: dominating the play and with a series of opportunities. But none of these came to fruition. "We really find ourselves struggling for goals. And when we manage to score one, we seem to be unable to keep a clean sheet," Němčický complains angrily. Kalvoda’s selected team won only once in the spring, in front of their own audience, when they beat last-place Krč. "If you want to advance, that is terribly little," Němčický acknowledges. "While it was good that we won at Dukla by a goal in over-time then we didn’t confirm it at our home ground," he grumbles.

Sometimes it is quite unbelievable what chances they have been able to throw away.

"We are just short on luck," the blond back affirms, shaking his shoulders. "That is what football is like. Whoever has played it must be familiar with these feelings. At trainings we practice shooting a lot but then in the match it just does not fall in place." The road to joining the domestic football elite is not closed to Slovácko yet. But in last five rounds they are anticipating that fate may throw them in any direction. Two matches with Ústí nad Labem and Vítkovice who are both trying to save themselves, an intermezzo in Hlučín and at the end of the season battles with other challengers for advancement, Fulnek and Příbram.

"It really isn’t important with whom we will play," Němčický says. "We cannot define rivals as hard and easy but we have to look to ourselves and win.

In Ústí we need to win three points and from there draw energy for the rest of the league games."
Jméno Heslo
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14.05.2008, středa, 18:45 - Report ze zápasu s Hradcem - Další domácí ztráta
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